> > > Pre-Technical and Basic Industrial Skills Courses


Pre-Technical and Basic Industrial Skills

Basic Industrial Math

Course #: Block X21
Duration: 30 hours (includes 6 tests)
What Students Learn:

This module of six study units offers the trainee arithmetic and basic mathematics, metric measurement, and calculator fundamentals. The Metric System is an introductory unit which includes metric conversions. Problem exercises and examples in this module are presented in on-thejob scenarios with applications drawn from the industrial context.

Special Notes:
  • These updated study units replace lessons contained within the current version of Practical Math and Measurements, Block X01. Each study unit contains a progress exam.
  • Formulas, study unit 186012 replaces Formulas, study unit 2468.
  • 186008 Addition and Subtraction
  • 186009 Multiplication and Division
  • 186010 Fractions, Percents, Proportions, and Angles
  • 186011 Metric System
  • 186012 Formulas
  • 186013 Introduction to Algebra

Addition and Subtraction

Course #: 186008
Course Objectives:

  • Define the terms: whole number, numeral, digit, decimal, place value, addend, sum, minuend, subtrahend, and difference.
  • Explain the significance of the digit zero in a number.
  • Differentiate between concrete and abstract numbers.
  • Properly prepare numbers for addition and subtraction.
  • Perform addition and subtraction on numbers.
  • How to check your answers to both addition and subtraction problems.
  • How to use a calculator to add and subtract numbers.

Multiplication and Division

Course #: 186009
Course Objectives:

  • Define the terms: factor, multiplicand, multiplier, partial product, dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder.
  • Recognize the various signs used for multiplication and division.
  • Properly prepare numbers for multiplication and division.
  • Perform multiplication and division on whole numbers and decimals.
  • How to check your answers to both multiplication and division problems.
  • How to find the average of a group of numbers.
  • How to use a calculator to multiply and divide numbers.

Fractions, Percents, Proportions, and Angles

Course #: 186010
Course Objectives:

  • Define the terms: fraction, proper fraction, improper fraction, lowest common denominator, percent, ratio, and proportion.
  • How to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and decimals.
  • How to change fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.
  • Solve problems involving percent.
  • How to use a protractor to measure angles.
  • Lay out templates for checking angles.
  • How to use a calculator to solve percent problems and to convert fractions to decimals.

Metric System

Course #: 186011
Course Objectives:

  • Name the base units most commonly used in the metric system.
  • Identify metric prefixes and their values.
  • Apply conversion factors to increase or decrease metric base units.
  • Estimate lengths in metric units.
  • Express temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • Define the terms: mass, density, force, torque, and pressure. Identify the metric units used to measure each one.
  • How to use a calculator to convert one metric unit to another.


Course #: 186012
Course Objectives:

  • Explain the use of letters in formulas.
  • Prepare and use formulas to solve problems.
  • The use of formulas to calculate the perimeter of a triangle and rectangle, distance, area of a triangle, rectangle, and circle, volume of a pyramid, current in a circuit, and volume of a sphere.
  • How to use a calculator to find square root and solve formulas.
  • Transform and solve an equation.
  • Perform basic arithmetic operations with signed terms.
  • Substitute given numerical values for letters in a formula and find the unknown quantity.

Introduction to Algebra

Course #: 186013
Course Objectives:

  • Define the terms: term, constant, coefficient, exponent, monomial, trinomial, and polynomial.
  • Identify and combine like terms in an expression.
  • Multiply and divide terms containing exponents.
  • Remove parentheses from an expression and simplify the expression.
  • Perform basic arithmetic operations with signed terms.

Practical Measurements

Course #: Block X22
Duration: 25 hours (includes 5 tests)
What Students Learn:

The five lessons in this block present the trainee with a broad overview of measurements found in an industrial setting. In addition to the basic measurements of length, temperature, energy, force, and power, the trainee will learn how materials are measured and handled in bulk quantities. Fluid measurements include the measuring of fluid flow, fluid pressure, and fluid level. All lessons include the metric conversions in addition to the English units.

Special Notes:
  • This Block replaces the X0105 to X0109 lessons contained within Practical Math and Measurements. Each study unit contains a progress exam.
  • 186021 Linear and Distance Measurement
  • 186022 Bulk Measurement
  • 186023 Temperature Measurement
  • 186024 Energy, Force, and Power
  • 186025 Fluid Measurement

Linear and Distance Measurement

Course #: 186021
Course Objectives:

  • Recognize the difference between English and metric units of length.
  • Find the perimeter of rectangular, square, or triangular areas or objects, such as rooms or machine bases, after measuring the sides.
  • Calculate the circumference of circular objects like pipes of tanks after measuring the diameter.
  • Measure lengths with the aid of rigid and flexible rules, thickness gauges and screw pitch gauges.
  • Read a typical vernier scale and micrometer to take precise measurements.

Bulk Measurement

Course #: 186022
Course Objectives:

  • Measure an angle by degrees.
  • Find the areas of rectangles, triangles, and circles.
  • Find the volumes of prisms, cylinders, and cones.
  • Find the weight of material stored in a container.
  • Determine the amount of material that can be stored or handled.
  • Discuss the types and uses of conveyors and weighing systems.

Temperature Measurement

Course #: 186023
Course Objectives:

  • Change temperature units from one system to another.
  • Discuss the use of the various types of thermometers.
  • Select the type of thermometer to be used at certain temperatures.

Energy, Force, and Power

Course #: 186024
Course Objectives:

  • Distinguish between the concepts of energy, force, and power.
  • Explain what the term “work” means, and how it is measured.
  • Know by sight the basic machines, lever, inclined plane, wedge, wheel and axle, and screw.
  • Solve simple problems that involve levers, mechanical advantage, and machine efficiency.
  • List the forms of energy that have important industrial applications, and the instruments used for measuring energy.

Fluid Measurement

Course #: 186025
Course Objectives:

  • Understand the properties of fluids.
  • Determine the density, specific gravity, and viscosity of fluids.
  • Express pressure in three different units.
  • Measure the pressure of fluids using manometers and Bourdon tubs pressure gauges.
  • Measure the flow rate of fluids using different types of flowmeters.

Problem Solving and Troubleshooting

Course #: 186073
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
What Students Learn:

Basics of problem solving, troubleshooting, and critical thinking

Applying a logical procedure to solving problems and troubleshooting systems

Selecting and using the right troubleshooting tools

Focusing on and collecting information related to the problem at hand

“Using what you know” to understand complex systems

Trade Safety: Getting Started

Course #: 186001
Course Objectives:

  • Name the agencies that make and enforce safety regulations and explain an employee’s responsibilities under those regulations.
  • List the hazards associated with chemicals and describe how to avoid those hazards.
  • Name several electrical shock hazards and the techniques used to prevent shocks.
  • List the steps in a lockout/tagout procedure.
  • Explain the importance of machine guarding and name several types of machine guards.
  • Name the four classes of fire and how to extinguish each of them.
  • Describe the proper technique used to lift a heavy load.
  • Explain how to avoid hand injuries when using hand and power tools.
  • List some of the hazards involved in welding and hot cutting operations and how to prevent them.
  • Explain how job analysis and the science of ergonomics are used to improve the workplace.
  • Explain the importance of personal protective equipment and name several types of PPE.

Working Safely with Chemicals

Course #: 186002
Course Objectives:

  • Recognize the six different ways in which a chemical can cause physical injury.
  • Name the routes or paths of entry by which chemicals can enter the body.
  • Describe the types of injuries caused by chemicals.
  • Identify potential chemical dangers in your workplace.
  • Describe how to identify, store and label hazardous chemicals.
  • List several methods used to prevent chemical accidents.
  • Explain why proper training is important to chemical handling.
  • Describe the types of personal protective equipment used and worn when handling chemicals.
  • Explain the role of governmental agencies in enforcing chemical regulations.

Fire Safety

Course #: 186003
Course Objectives:

  • Describe the types of property losses and injuries associated with fires.
  • Explain how fires are ignited.
  • Identify the four classes of fire.
  • Describe the primary fire hazards found in the workplace.
  • Explain the various ways in which fires can be prevented.
  • Describe the operation of several different fixed fire protection systems.
  • Identify the proper type of portable fire extinguisher to use on a fire.
  • Describe the operation of several different types of fire extinguishers.
  • Explain how to defend yourself and others in a fire situation.
  • Describe how to safely evacuate a burning building.

Material Handling Safety

Course #: 186006
Course Objectives:

  • Recognize the hazards associated with handling materials.
  • Know the types of injuries that can be caused by these hazards.
  • Understand how to effectively use safe material handling practices.
  • Know how to avoid physical injury when handling loads.
  • Know and follow the rules for safe operation of powered industrial material handling equipment.
  • Understand and respect the limits and restrictions placed on powered material handling mechanisms.

Jobs, Companies, and the Economy: Basic Concepts for Employees

Course #: 186034
Duration: 5 hours (includes 1 test)
Course Objectives:

  • Recognition of how the economy affects the actions of companies, employees, consumers, and investors.
  • The concept of capitalism and the principles of supply and demand.
  • How government policies affect the amounts of saving, spending, and investing by companies and individuals.
  • Understand economic measuring tools such as the inflation rate, the unemployment rate and Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  • How labor is divided into three employment sectors and how wages are set, including the influence of labor unions and the benefits of a multi-functional workforce.
  • Recognition of how both the employee and the company must compete in an increasingly international marketplace.

Manufacturing Processes, Part 1

Course #: 186075
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
Course Objectives:

  • Relate historical trends in manufacturing to modern ones
  • Describe the development and importance of modern quality systems
  • Explain how available material types shape manufacturing processes
  • Describe early factory systems and their impact on modern systems
  • Classify modern manufacturing systems by type and abilities
Special Notes:
  • This course replaces 2520A

Introduction to Print Reading

Course #: 186080
What Students Learn:

Drawings: Why You Need Drawings; Making Drawing; The Uses of Drawings; Standard Drawing Information; Paper Sizes; Drawing Scales; Communicating with Drawings; Detail Drawings; Assembly Drawings; Drawing Revisions; Lines Used on Drawings; Perspective and Projection Drawing: Perspective Views; Drawing Views; Sectional Views; Full Sections and Half Sections; Symbols in Sections; Wall Thickness--A Useful Section View; Sections through Ribs; Common Feature Representations: Bolt Circles; Arcs and Circles; Slots and Grooves; Holes; Repetitive Features.

Course Objectives:
  • Describe the basic format for conveying technical information in a drawing
  • Identify and interpret the various drawing views used in technical drawings
  • Understand how information is organized in notes and title blocks
  • Interpret the different line types used in drawings
  • Understand the concept of the drawing scale and how it affects information shown in the drawing
Special Notes:
  • This study unit takes the place of study unit 186039.

Print Reading Symbols and Abbreviations

Course #: 186081

  • Introduction to Print Reading (186080)

What Students Learn:

Symbols and Abbreviations: Common Abbreviations and Their Uses; Architectural Symbols; Electrical Symbols; Symbols in Mechanical System Drawings: Plumbing and Piping Symbols; HVAC Symbols; Welding; Symbols in Mechanical Drawings: Materials in Section; Screwand Bolt Specifications; Machining and Finish Symbols ; Hydraulic and Pneumatic Symbols.

Course Objectives:
  • Interpret the most common abbreviations used on drawings
  • Understand and interpret the various symbols and notations used on drawings for electrical, architectural, mechanical, and other types of applications
  • Recognize how symbols are used to show standard materials, parts, and assemblies
  • Interpret thread specifications
  • Understand some common symbols used in machining prints
  • Recognize common symbols found on hydraulic and pneumatic prints
Special Notes:
  • This study unit takes the place of study unit 186041.

Dimensioning and Tolerancing

Course #: 186082

  • Introduction to Print Reading (186080)

What Students Learn:

Introduction to Dimensioning Systems: Dimensional Standards; Working with Numbers; Measurement Systems; Dimensioning on Prints: Tolerances; Rectangular Coordinate Dimensioning; Angular Dimensioning; Arcs and Radii; Fits; Gears and Gear Teeth; Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing: Basic GD&T Concepts; Datums; Feature Control Frames; Geometric Tolerances; Modifiers.

Course Objectives:
  • Know the international standards and conventions that apply to drawings
  • Understand how different numbering systems were developed and how they’re applied to prints and drawings
  • Understand dimensions and tolerances on drawings that describe geometries of parts and assemblies
  • Recognize and interpret common symbols and nomenclature used in geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T)
  • Understand how GD&T uses symbols to explain and describe the designer’s intent, and eliminate misinterpretation of the print
Special Notes:
  • This study unit takes the place of study unit 186040.

Reading Shop Prints, Part 1

Course #: 386043
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
Course Objectives:

  • Interpret working drawings.
  • Evaluate various systems of dimensions and tolerances.
  • Recognize symbols, notes, and specifications called out on detail and assembly prints.
  • Identify material requirements as specified on a print.
  • Evaluate a print to determine the proper procedure to make a simple part.
Special Notes:
  • This study unit takes the place of study unit 6720A.

Reading Shop Prints, Part 2

Course #: 386044
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)

  • Reading Shop Prints, Part 1 (386043)

Course Objectives:
  • Interpret more complex working drawings.
  • Define and use cam, gear, and thread terminology.
  • Interpret cam, gear, and thread specifications on shop prints.
  • Work with various sectioning techniques.
  • Read and interpret a bill of materials.
  • Evaluate more complex prints to determine the best order of machining.
Special Notes:
  • This study unit takes the place of study unit 6720B.

Common Hand Tools, Part 1

Course #: 186052
What Students Learn:

Working with Hand Tools: Commonly Used Tools; Tips on Tool Care Safety; Wrenches: Adjustable Wrenches; Open-End, Box, and Combination Wrenches; Striking Wrenches; Socket Wrenches; Socket Drive Handles; Torque and Its Measurement; Pipe Wrenches; Chain and Strap Wrenches; Spanner Wrenches; Setscrew Wrenches; Pliers: General Types and Sizes; Combination Slip-Joint and Tongue-and-Groove Pliers; Using Pliers Safely and Properly; Screwdrivers: Using Screwdrivers Properly and Safely; Care of Screwdrivers; Striking Tools: Hammers; Using Hammers Safely and Properly Care of Hammers; Tool Storage and Benchwork: Workbenches; Tool Storage; Vises, Clamps, and Locking Tools; Scribers and Try Squares.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify common hand tools and their function.
  • Explain how to safely use common hand tools.
  • Maintain most types of hand tools.
  • Describe the benefits of several special features available for some hand tools.

Common Hand Tools, Part 2

Course #: 186053
What Students Learn:

Struck Tools: Punches; Chisels; Cutting Tools: Snips; Hacksaws; Knives; Sheet Metal Tools; Shaping Hand Tools: Files; Scrapers; Abrasives and Related Finishing Tools; Hand Tools for Threading and Other Precision Work: Reamers; Taps and Thread Files; Dies Removing a Broken Stud or Screw; Specialized Maintenance Hand Tools: Pry Bars; Pullers, Slide Handles and Separators; Lights and Inspection Tools.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify and use various chisels and punches safely.
  • Use and care for cutting tools.
  • Understand the need for specialized maintenance tools.
  • Correctly use threading and other precision tools.

Precision Measuring Instruments, Part 1

Course #: 186068
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
Course Objectives:

  • Purpose and Language of Measurement
  • Scale Instruments and Accessories
  • Vernier Caliper
  • Micrometers, Gages, and Protractors.
Special Notes:
  • This updated course replaces course 3500A.
  • The entire course consists of study units 186068, 186069, and 186072.

Electric Drilling and Grinding Tools

Course #: 186054
What Students Learn:

Electric Drills: Portable Electric Drills; Cordless Drills; Drill Chucks; Drill Presses: Standard Drill Presses; Changing Drill Press Speeds; Taper- Shank Drill Bits and Holding Devices; Setting Up a Drill Press; Drilling Holes with a Drill Press; Drill Bits: Drill Reconditioning; Cutting Fluids; Hammer Drills and Rotary Hammers: Operating a Hammer Drill or Rotary Hammer; Drilling in Concrete; Electric Grinders: Hand-Held Electric Grinders; Bench and Pedestal Grinders; Grinding Wheels; Abrasives: Coated Abrasives; Bonded Abrasives; Maintenance and Safety.

Course Objectives:
  • Safely set up and operate a portable electric drill, drill press, and electric hammer.
  • Choose the proper drill bit for many drilling applications.
  • Select the proper drilling tool for an application.
  • Set up and use a variety of hand and bench grinders.
  • Safely use the proper grinder for various jobs.
  • Follow the necessary steps for proper tool maintenance.

Power Cutting Tools

Course #: 186055
What Students Learn:

Power Saw Safety; Portable Power Saws: Portable Circular Saw; Jigsaw; Reciprocating Saw; Power Cutout Tool; Portable Band Saw; Stationary Circular Power Saws: Stationary Power Saw Safety; Table Saw; Radial Arm Saw; Circular Cutoff Saw; Other Stationary Power Saws: Power Hacksaw; Horizontal Band Saw Machine; Vertical Band Saw Machine; Scroll Saw; Cutting with Stationary Power Saws.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify the most common portable and stationary power saws.
  • Identify the various parts of a saw and explain how they work.
  • Discuss the types of cuts made by each type of saw.
  • List the various safety precautions you should follow when using power saws.
  • Choose the most appropriate saw and blade for the type of work being done.

Pneumatic Hand Tools

Course #: 186056
Course Objectives:

  • Describe the various pneumatic tools used for plant maintenance.
  • Identify and describe the safe use of impact, cutting, and grinding tools.
  • Explain how pneumatic hammers, nailers, and staplers are selected and used in a safe manner.
  • Describe the use of pneumatic assembly tools such as grinders, sanders, screwdrivers, and drills and how other types of production tools are selected and used.
  • Identify the proper procedures for pneumatic tool and system care.
  • Identify safe tool use procedures and how vibration and excess noise can cause bodily injury.

Tool Grinding and Sharpening

Course #: 186057
Course Objectives:

  • Use a grinding machine, following all safety procedures.
  • Hone or whet tools with an oilstone.
  • Explain the procedures for grinding metal stock.
  • Compare the methods used in grinding screwdrivers, snips, chisels, plane irons, and twist drills.

Jacks, Hoists, and Pullers

Course #: 186060
Course Objectives:

  • Identify the many forms of jacks and hoists.
  • Safely operate jacks and hoists.
  • Understand the construction details of fiber ropes, wire ropes, and chains.
  • Properly use and maintain fiber rope, wire rope, and chain slings.
  • Properly use jaw and push pullers.

Bench Work

Course #: 5004A-C
Duration: 30 hours (includes 3 tests)
What Students Learn:

Part 1 (5004A). Introduction to Bench Work; Wrenches, Hammers, Pliers, and Screwdrivers; Punches, Twist Drills, Reamers, and Broaches; Saws, Chisels, and Snips; Finishing and Grinding Tools; Files, Scrapers, and Abrasives.

Part 2 (5004B). Threaded Fasteners; Bolts, Screws, and Studs; Thread Systems; Hole Preparation for Threaded Fasteners; Mechanical Fasteners; Rivets, Keys, and Pins; Threading with Hand Tools; Taps: Tap Drills; Tap Wrenches; Removal of Broken Taps; Repairing Damaged Threads.

Part 3 (5004C). Fitting Practice; Tolerance, Allowance, Clearance, and Fit; Babbitting; Hack Saw; Band Saw Machine; Clamping Work for Sawing; Soldering; Soft Solder; Soldering Copper; Sweat Soldering; Brazing; Hand Solders and Fluxes; Torch Brazing; Induction Brazing; Furnace Brazing.


Course #: 286095
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
Course Objectives:

  • Identify the types and properties of fastener material.
  • Describe the components of threaded fastener systems including bolts, nuts, screws and washers.
  • Discuss the anchoring systems used in industry.
  • Identify rivets and riveting tools.
  • Describe other non-threaded fasteners including keys, pins and retaining rings.
  • Display fastener installation techniques including tensioning, torquing and lubrication.
  • Discuss how to troubleshoot fastener failure.
Special Notes:
  • This updated course replaces 2542.

Precision Measuring Instruments, Part 2

Course #: 186069
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
Course Objectives:

  • Indicators
  • Shop Gages
  • Gage Blocks
  • Fundamentals of Trigonometry
  • Sine Bar and Sine Plate.
Special Notes:
  • This updated course replaces course 3500B.
  • The entire course consists of study units 186068, 186069, and 186072.

Precision Measuring Instruments, Part 3

Course #: 186072
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
Course Objectives:

  • Setup and operation of optical alignment systems including laser and alignment telescopes.
  • Use digital readout gages that apply either absolute or incremental measuring systems.
  • Explain the use of optical comparators and toolmaker’s microscopes.
  • Recognize applications that call for in-process and post-process gaging, including video inspection and CNC tool presetters.
  • Uses of modern non destructive testing (NDT) technologies including magnetic particle inspection and ultrasonic testing.
Special Notes:
  • This updated course replaces courses 3500C and 186070.
  • The entire course consists of study units 186068, 186069, and 186072.

Machine Shop Safety

Course #: 186007
Course Objectives:

  • Recognize the basic machine motions that can present a hazard to workers.
  • Recognize the types of machinery most likely to be hazardous to workers.
  • Understand the types of injuries caused by accidents commonly associated with unsafe machine operating procedures.
  • Discuss the importance of machine guarding and how to incorporate methods of guarding to avoid physical injury.
  • Recognize the four basic types of machine guards commonly used in industry.
  • Control various forms of hazardous machine energy through the use of lockout / tagout procedures.
  • Understand how and why to properly use personal protective equipment for added protection when using industrial equipment.

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