Distribution Industry: Core Knowledge and Skills
Course #: 186034
Duration: 5 hours (includes 1 test)
Course Objectives:
Course #: Block X21
Duration: 30 hours (includes 6 tests)
What Students Learn:
This module of six study units offers the trainee arithmetic and basic mathematics, metric measurement, and calculator fundamentals. The Metric System is an introductory unit which includes metric conversions. Problem exercises and examples in this module are presented in on-thejob scenarios with applications drawn from the industrial context.
Special Notes:Course #: 186008
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Course #: 186009
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Course #: 186010
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Course #: 186011
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Course #: 186012
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Course #: 186013
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Course #: Block X22
Duration: 25 hours (includes 5 tests)
What Students Learn:
The five lessons in this block present the trainee with a broad overview of measurements found in an industrial setting. In addition to the basic measurements of length, temperature, energy, force, and power, the trainee will learn how materials are measured and handled in bulk quantities. Fluid measurements include the measuring of fluid flow, fluid pressure, and fluid level. All lessons include the metric conversions in addition to the English units.
Special Notes:Course #: 186021
Course Objectives:
Course #: 186022
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Course #: 186024
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Course #: 186025
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Course #: 186073
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
What Students Learn:
Basics of problem solving, troubleshooting, and critical thinking
Applying a logical procedure to solving problems and troubleshooting systems
Selecting and using the right troubleshooting tools
Focusing on and collecting information related to the problem at hand
“Using what you know” to understand complex systems
Course #: 5565A-B
Duration: 20 hours (includes 2 tests)
Part 1 (5565A). Practical Everyday Arithmetic; Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division; How Percent is Used; Discounts; Brokerage; Simple Interest; Compound Interest; Present Worth; Sinking Funds; Installment Buying.
Part 2 (5565B). Promissory Notes; Discount, Giving the Two Ways of Finding the Number of Days between Two Dates; Partial Payments by Either the United States Rule or the Merchants’ Rule; Profit and Loss; Depreciation, and Methods of Fixing the Price of Goods that are Sold; Savings, Investments, and Insurance.
Course #: ELIM07
Duration: 36 hours (includes 4 tests)
What Students Learn:
Practical English and the Command of Words is a self-paced study course designed to improve the speaking, writing, and reading skills of today’s working adult. The course consists of 48 four-page study units, with each unit containing a variety of topics. All units are structured to enhance the adult’s interest and to guarantee organized and orderly learning. Effective communications skills are brought to life with real world examples, using a practical "hands-on" approach. ELI is an accredited member of the Distance Education and Training Council. Practical English and the Command of Words has been evaluated by the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Program of Non- Collegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI) and has been recommended for academic credit as both an English course and as a Business Communications course.
Course Objectives:Course #: 050924
Duration: 10 hours (includes 2 test)
Course Objectives:
Course #: 186080
What Students Learn:
Drawings: Why You Need Drawings; Making Drawing; The Uses of Drawings; Standard Drawing Information; Paper Sizes; Drawing Scales; Communicating with Drawings; Detail Drawings; Assembly Drawings; Drawing Revisions; Lines Used on Drawings; Perspective and Projection Drawing: Perspective Views; Drawing Views; Sectional Views; Full Sections and Half Sections; Symbols in Sections; Wall Thickness--A Useful Section View; Sections through Ribs; Common Feature Representations: Bolt Circles; Arcs and Circles; Slots and Grooves; Holes; Repetitive Features.
Course Objectives:Course #: 186082
Introduction to Dimensioning Systems: Dimensional Standards; Working with Numbers; Measurement Systems; Dimensioning on Prints: Tolerances; Rectangular Coordinate Dimensioning; Angular Dimensioning; Arcs and Radii; Fits; Gears and Gear Teeth; Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing: Basic GD&T Concepts; Datums; Feature Control Frames; Geometric Tolerances; Modifiers.
Course Objectives:Course #: 386043
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
Course Objectives:
Course #: 386044
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
Course #: Block X23
Duration: 35 hours (includes 7 tests)
What Students Learn:
A newly expanded seven lesson block that provides the trainee with specific instruction for safe work practice in an industrial environment. The block contains an introductory unit that introduces safety philosophies and terminology as well as acquainting the student with OSHA policy and the "Right-to-Know" laws. New units specific to fire safety, pressurized gases and welding, chemical and electrical hazards, as well as safe machine usage have been added. An updated unit on material handling is included.
Special Notes:Course #: 186001
Course Objectives:
Course #: 186002
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Course #: 186003
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Course #: 186004
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Course #: 186005
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Course #: 186006
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Course #: 186007
Course Objectives:
Course #: 386E03
Duration: 25 hours (includes 5 tests)
This advanced course deals with production planning, modern purchasing strategies, managing inventory, and forecasting material requirements. The subject matter does not require an advanced understanding of mathematical concepts. The course audience includes production control specialists, warehousing operations employees, production supervisors, and journeyman machine operators. Students are provided with a thorough understanding of the production management strategies that are followed in the modern manufacturing environment.
Lesson 1 - Production Scheduling, Planning and MRP:
Importance of Materials Management; How Production Planning Systems Work; Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II); Master Production Schedules; Material Requirements Planning (MRP).
Lesson 2 - Advanced Material Management
Capacity Management; Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP); Scheduling Orders; Production Activity Control: Purchasing Specifications; Demand Forecasting Systems.
Lesson 3 - Basic Inventory Processes:
Systems for Managing Inventory; Setting Order Quantities: Order Point Systems.
Lesson 4 - Advanced Inventory Processes:
Warehouse Management; Inventory Record Accuracy; Physical Distribution; Packaging Materials Handling; Planning in the Just-In-Time Manufacturing Environment.
Lesson 5 - Product Control and Quality Management:
Factors Influencing Design and Production; Continuous Process Improvement; Process Control and Total Quality Management.
Special Notes:Course #: 6536A-B
Duration: 20 hours (includes 2 tests)
What Students Learn:
Part 1 (6536A). Historical Development of Physical Distribution; Cost of Physical Distribution; Importance of Physical Distribution; Functional Areas of Physical Distribution; Distribution System Analysis; The Systems Concept; The Physical Distribution System; Establishment of Distribution Objectives; Selection of Alternative Systems; Constructing and Testing Models; Total Cost Analysis; Comparative Statistics; Multiple Analysis.
Part 2 (6536B). Location Analysis; Production Plant Location; Retail Location; Distribution Warehouse Location; Single Facility Location; Multiple Facility Location; Transportation and Traffic; Legal Forms of Transportation; Coordinated Transportation Systems; Special Transportation Agencies; Transportation Rates; Special Transportation Services; Transportation Documentation; Traffic Distribution Planning; Organization and Performance Measurement; Centralized Concept of Formal Organization.
Course #: 6219
Duration: 10 hours (includes 1 test)
Course Objectives: