Training Evaluation
Comprehensive Testing Capabilities
A well-orchestrated testing and placement approach enhances the value of any employee development program, making it more efficient and cost effective. We offer comprehensive testing capabilities that meet the training and administrative requirements of clients and trainees alike.
Testing should be an essential component of training, providing:
- Verification. To ensure that training is meeting your needs
- Targeted Training. Learners should be enrolled at the appropriate level within a curriculum, where training will result in the greatest performance improvement. Targeted training eliminates wasted time in the study of unnecessary courses.
- Evaluation. A systematic evaluation of each learner's progress throughout a program and a basis for measuring the overall effectiveness of your training program.
Customized Tests
Our comprehensive, computerized testing system can be used to meet your particular requirements. You determine the purpose of the test - prerequisite evaluation, placement, mastery, or certification using a proctored examination. You can review and select the questions that appear in each test, the test length, and the type of correction service. Tests are developed from our computerized item-bank which includes more than 55,000 questions, cross-referenced to Penn Foster courseware.
- Prerequisite Evaluations are pretests which measure general skills and background knowledge to determine readiness for curriculum enrollment.
- Diagnostic Placement Tests which determine where individuals should enter an established curriculum, indicating current strengths, thereby avoiding unnecessary retraining.
- Progress/Mastery Tests which measure trainees' success in meeting the learning objectives of courses and curricula. Alternate progress/mastery tests can be used after remediation training.
- Proctored Examinations for blocks of instruction, pay increases, and credentials certification.
Testing Flexibility
Tests can be scored three different ways
- Pass/Fail
- Percentage correct score
- Diagnostic prescriptions which determine prior knowledge and standard/remediation needs
Multiple choice test questions are normally used and can be produced as:
- Identical tests
- Scrambled question tests - the same questions, generated in different sequences
- Variable tests - questions selected randomly, by topic, from our test item-bank
There are three ways to take a Mastery Test:
- Paper-based testing. Tests are sent to our Customer Service Department for scoring and updating student records. Using the Penn Foster Exam Express Method, electronic grading of special answer cards accelerates scoring and student record updates.
- Tel-Test®. A toll-free call, using a Touch-Tone telephone to enter information directly into the Penn Foster computer testing system. Results are provided immediately, so trainees receive immediate feedback. Tel-Test also has voice recognition capability for hands-free input.
- Internet. Through the Workforce Development Web Site, exam answers can be entered. Results are seen immediately and your student record is updated.
For further information regarding how our testing capabilities can assist in the development of your training program, contact your Business and Industrial Training Consultant, or our Customer Service Department, at 1-800-233-0259, Canada 1-800-637-1506.
Client Progress Reports
These reports provide continuing updates on student progress. They include grades for the progress exams submitted by each student monthly. In conjunction with student transcripts which monitor program progress, your Program Coordinator has the key information to evaluate the status of individual trainees and the training program as a whole at any time.
Client Training Program Reviews
Penn Foster is ready to work with your organization during each phase of the training process to accomplish your objectives. Our Training Consultants will want to meet with you periodically to discuss and evaluate your training program effectiveness. We will also identify potential program enhancements and identify new areas for training. A successful training program is a process of continuous improvement.