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Electronic Circuit Applications

Reactive Circuits

Course #: Block B22
Duration: 15 hours
Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
What Students Learn: This block explains how electronic circuits, resistors, capacitors and inductors, work in DC and AC circuits. Methods for determining impedance, reactance and phase angle are introduced. The student will learn to recognize the resonant circuit condition and understand how these special circuits are used. Resonant circuit applications such as coupled circuit traps, filters and transmission lines are discussed. The student's troubleshooting skills are expanded. The proportional method of estimating voltage is covered. The concepts of impedance matching and maximum power transfer are explained.
Components: Reactance and Impedance (086037); Resonant Circuits (086038); Applications and Troubleshooting of Resonant Circuits (086039);
Special Notes: This updated course replaces Reactive Circuits, Block B02. Each study unit contains a progress exam.

Reactance and Impedance

Course #: 086037
Duration: 5 hours
Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
What Students Learn:

  • Define capacitive and inductive reactance.
  • Explain how resistors, capacitors and inductors work in DC circuits.
  • Calculate time relationships in circuits.
  • Determine reactive and impedance values for series and parallel AC circuits.
  • Calculate the values of voltage, current, and impedance in RC, RL, and RLC circuits.
  • Determine the voltage-current phase angle relationships in capacitive and inductive circuits.
  • Work with J operators to analyze circuit behavior.

  • Resonant Circuits

    Course #: 086038
    Duration: 5 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Recognize the conditions required for series and parallel resonance.
  • Cite the factors affecting capacitive reactance and inductive reactance in series and parallel circuits.
  • Determine the resonant frequencies of LC series and LCR parallel circuits.
  • Calculate the value of the quality (Q) factor and bandwith of a circuit..
  • Describe the relationship between Q and bandwidth.
  • Describe the practical uses for tuned circuits.

  • Applications and Troubleshooting of Resonant Circuits

    Course #: 086039
    Duration: 5 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Learn how to estimate voltage for troubleshooting AC and DC circuits.
  • Explain the need for impedance matching and how it is accomplished.
  • Identify the circuits for low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-reject and power-supply filters.
  • Interpret a filter's characteristic curve.
  • Determine cut-off frequency for various filters.
  • Select the particular type of series or parallel-tuned circuit for certain applications.
  • Explain how transmission lines are related to resonant circuits and waveguides.
  • Explain how transmission lines are used as components in tuned circuits.

  • Electronics Workbench Lab Manual: Reactive Circuits (Block B22)

    Course #: 387016C
    Duration: 10 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Electronics Workbench. (086800); Reactive Circuits (Block B22);
    What Students Learn: Students will complete lab exercises and troubleshooting problems using the Electronics Workbench software (Versions 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0). This lab manual will provide experience using the many simulated instruments that are part of the software package. Troubleshooting simulations using reasonant circuits, coupled circuit traps, filters and transmission lines are included in these exercises. The manual includes the basic operational instructions for the Workbench software and Windows.

    Pulse Circuits

    Course #: Block B07
    Duration: 42 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn: In this series of lessons, the trainee will become familiar with pulse techniques and their characteristics. The trainee will learn how RC time-constant effects are used in pulse generation. Solid-state and electron-tube pulse generators and the various types of waveforms are covered. The various types of waveshaping circuits are discussed along with the concepts of how timing, triggering, and synchronization are achieved. Practical industrial applications of pulse circuits and the techniques of troubleshooting are covered.
    Components: Pulse Techniques (B0701); Pulse Generators (B0702); Waveshaping Circuits (B0703); Timing (B0704); Pulse Circuit Applications (B0705); Troubleshooting Pulse Circuits (B0706); Progress Examination Booklet (B0720); Progress Examination (B0721); Progress Examination (B0722);

    Pulse Techniques

    Course #: B0701
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Describe the term pulse and how it differs from nonpulse waveforms.
  • Name and explain six terms that specify pulse dimensions.
  • List four ways that pulses are generated or developed.
  • Describe the frequency content or makeup of square waves, rectangular waves, sawtooth, and triangular waves, spikes, and half sine waves.

  • Pulse Generators

    Course #: B0702
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Review the main methods of generating pulses.
  • Review the concept of time constant and its relationship to pulse circuits.
  • Explain the response of differentiator and integrator circuits to sine waves and pulses.
  • Discuss pulse generation by sine wave clipping.
  • Describe how pulses are developed by the relaxation oscillator, multivibrators, and switching circuits.
  • Describe the operation of the Schmitt trigger.

  • Waveshaping Circuits

    Course #: B0703
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Explain the operation of circuits for forming square and rectangular waves, sawtooth waves and triangular waves.
  • Tell how pulses are stretched, narrowed, widened, and otherwise shaped or reshaped.
  • Discuss the response of pulses to capacitors, transformers, and inductors.
  • Illustrate how a clamper is used to restore shape to a pulse or a pulse series.

  • Timing

    Course #: B0704
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Discuss free-running and nonsynchronized pulses.
  • Describe the 555 timer and name its applications.
  • Show examples of using crystals for frequency stabilization.

  • Pulse Circuit Applications

    Course #: B0705
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Review the uses of pulses in switching circuits.
  • Tell how pulses are used in computers.
  • Explain the concept of how pulses fits into data communication.
  • Discuss digital audio and television techniques.
  • Describe five uses of pulses in industry.

  • Troubleshooting Pulse Circuits

    Course #: B0706
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Sketch typical oscilloscope waveforms for good pulses.
  • Identify possible causes of trouble while examining photos or sketches of distorted pulses.
  • Show how to use a logic probe in troubleshooting digital pulse circles.
  • Demonstrate the use of a pulse generator in circuit troubleshooting.
  • Describe the steps to troubleshoot resistance welding and other industrial equipment using pulses.

  • Logic Circuits

    Course #: Block B08
    Duration: 42 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn: In this block, the concepts of logic circuits will be presented. The trainee is shown how logic capability is achieved through relays. This approach will be illustrated by the use of ladder diagrams. The major emphasis in this block covers solid-state logic techniques supported by logic diagrams. The trainee is introduced to gates, number systems, binary arithmetic, hexadecimal numbers, and Karnaugh mapping. Also covered are various logic families such as RTL, TTL, ECL, DTL, and CMOS. The trainee will become familiar with the applications of logic circuits, including multivibrators, counters, storage and shift registers, and clocks.
    Components: Logic Circuit Fundamentals (B0801); Introduction to Number Systems (B0802); Logic Devices and Diagrams (B0803); Logic Families (B0804); Applications of Logic Circuits (B0805); Troubleshooting Logic Circuits (B0806); Progress Examination Booklet (B0820); Progress Examination (B0821); Progress Examination (B0822);

    Logic Circuit Fundamentals

    Course #: B0801
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Explain the principles of logic according to Aristotle and Bode; describe logic in electronic systems using correct vocabulary; describe the binary approach to electronic logic, how gates express logic, electronic logic systems.
  • Describe the symbology of logic expressing logic concepts and principles, discuss practical uses for logic concepts, symbols of logic gates, concepts of logic circuitry, explain how to read logic circuitry diagrams and how to apply them to real circuitry.
  • Describe logic devices in industry including kinds of devices that put logic concepts into operation, devices for combinational logic circuitry, devices for sequential logical circuitry and families of logic devices.
  • Review the fundamentals that apply to logic systems, including diode hookups that perform logic functions, bipolar transistor logic, MOS transistor logic, open-collector logic circuits, saturated and nonsaturated logic operation, and ECL circuit concepts.
  • Explain how to relate logic symbols to discrete circuitry; relate logic functions to monolithic logic devices and interconnect logic components and devices; describe logic circuit functions.

  • Introduction to Number Systems

    Course #: B0802
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Discuss what a number system is; define numbering; explain why there is more than one system, describe applications for numbering concepts, number systems common to electronics, how number systems are put to work, concept of a numbering base and principles of positional value.
  • Describe numbering including decimal and the base 10, how it came about and why it's practical, how decimal numbering applies to metrics, how base-10 numbering works, positional values in base-10 numbering and manipulating base-10 numbers.
  • Describe binary numbering including binary and the base 2, how binary numbering came about, what binary numbers are used for, how binary numbering applies to logic systems, how base-2 numbering works, positional values in base-2 numbering, and manipulating base-2 numbers.
  • Describe octal numbering including octal and the base 8, how octal numbering came about, what octal numbers are used for, what is meant by split octal, how octal numbering applies to industrial systems, how base-8 numbering works, positional values in base-8 numbering and manipulating base-8 numbers.
  • Describe hexadecimal numbering including hexadecimal and the base 16, how hexadecimal numbering came into existence, what hex numbers are used for, notation conventions for hexadecimal numbers, how base-16 numbering works, positional values in base-16 numbers, manipulating base-16 numbers.

  • Logic Devices and Diagrams

    Course #: B0803
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Describe AND gates: What AND does, construction of an AND gate, truth tables for AND devices and typical applications; show an understanding of diagrams using various AND devices.
  • Describe NAND gates: What NAND does, construction of a NAND gate, truth tables for NAND devices and typical applications, show an understanding of diagrams using NAND devices.
  • Describe OR gates: What OR does, construction of an OR gate, truth tables for OR devices and typical applications; show an understanding of diagrams using OR devices.
  • Describe NOR gates: What NOR does, construction of a NOR gate, truth tables for NOR devices and typical applications; show an understanding of diagrams using NOR devices.
  • Describe XOR gates: What XOR (EOR) does, construction of an XOR gate, truth tables for XOR devices and typical applications; show an understanding of diagrams using XOR devices.
  • Describe XNOR gates: What XNOR does, construction of an XNOR gate, truth tables for XNOR devices and typical applications; show an understanding of diagrams using XNOR devices.
  • Describe the packaging of Logic Devices including nomenclature and package characteristics and specs; show an understanding of SSI, MSI, LSI, and VLSI specification sheets for logic devices, symbols for gates, and other logic devices, pinout diagrams - partial and complete - interpreting operation speed of logic devices, propagation delay, logic device fanout, input loading characteristics and noise figure.

  • Logic Families

    Course #: B0804
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Describe RTL logic: How RTL is constructed, relevant specifications, typical applications, and diagrams.
  • Describe DTL logic: How DTL is constructed, relevant specifications, typical applications, and diagrams.
  • Describe TTL-T 2 L logic: How TTL is constructed, relevant specifications, typical applications, and diagrams.
  • Describe CMOS, NMOS, PMOS, and HMOS logic: How MOS devices are constructed, relevant specifications, typical applications, and diagrams.
  • Describe I 2 L logic: How I 2 L devices are constructed, relevant specifications, typical applications, and diagrams.
  • Describe ECL logic: How ECL devices are constructed, relevant specifications, typical applications, and diagrams.
  • Describe other logic families: How they are constructed, relevant specifications, typical applications, and diagrams.
  • Describe sequential logic devices: How flip flops operate, how R-S flip-flops are made, how D-T flip-flops are made, truth tables for R-S and D-T flip-flops, and applications.
  • Describe advanced sequential logic: What's inside a J-K flip-flop, how a J-K operates, J-K truth table, and recent solid-state indicators.
  • Describe display devices for logic systems: Light-emitting diodes, seven-segment LEDS, and more recent logic indicators.

  • Applications of Logic Circuits

    Course #: B0805
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Explain simple logic circuits including divider networks, binary ladder, and magnitude comparator.
  • Explain gates in logic circuits, understand simple binary decoding, figure out combinational arrangements, understand Boolean combination techniques, and three-state buffer drivers.
  • List applications for sequential logic-latching and binary storage, registers, shift registers, binary multipliers, ripple counters, waveform timing in counters, half- and full-adders, decoder techniques, multiplexers and parallel serial converters.
  • Understand arithmetic-logic unit: Show how to add, subtract, multiply and divide; explain the relationship of ALU in digital computers.

  • Troubleshooting Logic Circuits

    Course #: B0806
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Identify what to test in logic circuitry: Source voltage levels for TTL, CMOS, ECL, purity of DC voltages, foil runs system grounds, steady-state logic values, timed logic streams.
  • Identify the instruments for testing logic circuitry, DMM requirements; simple LED logic indicators, logic probes, with pulse latches, logic injector, triggered oscilloscope specifications.
  • Describe the techniques for logic circuit testing including precautions with instrument connections, DMM measurement techniques; connecting and using a logic probe for steady-state logic tracing, pulse streams, and trap glitch pulses; where and when to use a logic pulser measuring logic high-time and low-time, timing of clock signals, verifying system grounds and bus analysis.
  • Describe the technique for replacing logic devices including MOS-device precautions, selecting the right replacement, speed in logic devices, demounting logic components and remounting logic components.

  • Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits

    Course #: Block B09
    Duration: 42 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn: This block tells how integrated circuits (ICs) evolved and the benefits and technological advancements made possible by them. How they are designed and constructed is explained, concentrating on the MOS types, and telling about the evolution of the small-scale, medium-scale, large-scale, and very-large-scale ICs. One lesson covers linear types of ICs and another covers digital types. A separate lesson covers logic-type ICs.
    Components: Linear and Digital Circuit Principles (B0901); Integrated Circuit Techniques (B0902); Linear Integrated Circuits (B0903); Digital Integrated Circuits (B0904); Integrated Circuit Logic Systems (B0905); Troubleshooting IC Systems (B0906); Progress Examination Booklet (B0920); Progress Examination (B0921); Progress Examination (B0922);

    Linear and Digital Circuit Principles

    Course #: B0901
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Explain the operating principles for linear devices: What is "linear" operation, curve characteristics in diodes, transfer curves in bipolar transistors, Class A amplifier operation. Classes B, AB, and C with linear devices, from bipolar to JFET to IGFET to metal-oxide-silicon and concepts in the evolution of linear ICs.
  • Explain the operating principles for digital devices: What digital operation is and how it came about; advantages of digital operation (over linear), switching diodes and transistors, bi-polar digital transistors, MOSFET technology for digital applications, and digital IC concepts.
  • Describe the operating characteristics of linear ICs: What you learn from the specification sheet, explanation of major parameters, construction of linear ICs, connecting linear devices in practical circuits, transfer curves, what they mean to operation and densities of IC packaging.
  • Describe the operating characteristics of digital ICs: What you learn from the specification sheet, explanation of major parameters, construction of digital ICs, connecting digital devices in practical circuits and densities of digital IC packaging.

  • Integrated Circuit Techniques

    Course #: B0902
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Describe how integrated circuits are made including materials in linear ICs, manufacturing techniques for ICs, functions built into linear ICs, functions built into digital ICs, and how techniques affect operating characteristics.
  • Understand data sheets and IC operation, read spec sheets and relate parameters to functions, describe transfer curves for linear IC devices, transfer curves for digital IC devices, and how ICs are selected for industrial purposes.
  • Describe modern integrated circuits for industry; understand linear IC application principles, digital IC application principles, and hybrid IC application principles.
  • Understand integrated circuit applications including typical uses for RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS, NMOS, and PMOS.
  • Describe IC packaging for industrial uses, package outlines, pinout conventions, effects of environment on packaging, and how environment affects mounting.

  • Linear Integrated Circuits

    Course #: B0903
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Understand advanced linear operating concepts: Linear operation in solid-state devices, basic analog functions, analog functions in common use, and analog functions in industrial applications.
  • Identify the uses of linear ICs in industry: Circuits for linear ICs, linear ICs in industrial research, control operations for linear ICs, and sensing and processing with linear ICs, how to select a linear IC for industrial purposes including input requirements and output capabilities.
  • Identify circuit applications for linear ICs: Oscillators and frequency control, operational amplifiers, differential amplifiers, phase comparators, and other linear applications in industry; how to find more applications information.

  • Digital Integrated Circuits

    Course #: B0904
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Understand advanced digital operating concepts: Digital operation in solid-state devices, basic digital functions, digital functions in common use and digital functions in industrial applications.
  • Identify the uses of digital ICs in industry: circuits for digital ICs, digital ICs in industrial research, control operations for digital ICs, and sensing and processing with digital ICs; how to select a digital IC for industrial purposes including input requirements and output capabilities.
  • Identify circuit applications for digital ICs: Clocks, oscillators and frequency control, analog-to-digital conversion, digital-to-analog conversion, processing digital sense signals, time phase relationships in digital operation and other digital applications in industry; how to find more applications information.

  • Integrated Circuit Logic Systems

    Course #: B0905
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Understand logic diagrams for industrial equipment: Recognize various symbols, identify logic operations common to industrial purposes and how gate combinations are designed.
  • Show how to use logic devices in industrial circuits: Interchangeability of logic gates, truth tables affected by gate material, simple flip flop latches, clocked flip flops, monostable and bistable multivibrators, and other pulse generators.
  • Show how to interface logic devices including source requirements, buffering and fan-in, fan-out, three-state logic and its purposes and managing open-collector logic.
  • Show how to use gates and flip-flops including AND, NAND, OR, NOR, exclusive-OR, exclusive-NOR; describe the effects of family on gate functioning - TTL, ECL, MOS.; explain memories in industrial equipment.
  • Identify industrial equipment using logic concepts including industrial robotics, programmable controllers, computer-aided design systems, computer-aided manufacturing processes and industrial data-processing.

  • Troubleshooting IC Systems

    Course #: B0906
    Duration: 7 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23); Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment and Systems (Block B06); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21);
    What Students Learn:

  • Explain the principles of testing integrated circuits: Verifying Vcc, Vss, Vdd, Vbb; how to identify pins, and reach them; adapters for IC testing; bent pins and cold joints; verifying inputs; verifying quality and timing of outputs, and multichannel testing.
  • List the instruments for IC testing: Explain how to use a DMM for simplified testing, how to interpret logic probe indications, uses for pulse injection, clip-on logic analyzers for ICs, signature analysis as an IC test tool, oscilloscope testing in IC circuitry.
  • Describe advanced IC troubleshooting methods including special jigs to save time, pretesting on unfamiliar equipment, storage scopes, and advanced equipment.
  • Describe the techniques for replacing ICs: Desoldering, resoldering, sockets, precautions in handling ICs, and tools for removal and reinsertion.

  • Theory of RL, RC, and RLC Circuits

    Course #: 6601
    Duration: 10 hours
    Course Prerequisites: AC Principles (Block A22);
    What Students Learn: Inducing a Voltage in a Conductor; Inductance; Characteristics of Magnetic Materials; Effects of Frequency on Reactance; Capacitance; Displacement Current; Types of Dielectrics and Dielectric Strength; Capacitor in Series and Parallel Circuits; Capacitive Reactance; Circuits Containing Inductors and Capacitors; Time-Constant Circuits; Inductance of a Capacitor; Capacitance of an Inductor; Practical Uses of Inductors; Methods of Minimizing Circuit Losses; Practical Capacitors; Types of Capacitors; Physical Characteristics; Capacitance Color Coding Systems and Various Systems in Use; Use of Powers of 10 Review.

    Special Notes: Covers subject at an advanced, in-depth level.

    Tuned Circuits

    Course #: 3517
    Duration: 10 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Resonant Circuits (3306); Analog Circuit Measurement (Block A23);
    What Students Learn: Series LR, CR, and LC Circuits; Series LCR Circuits; Parallel LR, CR, and LC Circuits; Parallel LCR Circuits; Inductively Coupled Tuned Circuits; Filter Circuits; Tuned Circuits with Distributed Constants; Tuned Circuits in Vacuum Tube and Transistor Circuits.

    Special Notes: Covers subject at an advanced, in-depth level.

    Advanced Solid State Circuits

    Course #: 2008A-B
    Duration: 20 hours
    Course Prerequisites: AC Principles (Block A22); Basic Electronic Circuits (Block B24);
    What Students Learn: PART 1 (2008A). Multistage Amplifiers; Frequency Response; Analysis of Multistage Amplifiers; Equivalent Circuits; Midband Current Gain; Low-Frequency Amplification; Hi-Frequency Amplification; Alpha Cutoff Frequency; Bandwidth; Power Amplifiers; Power Transistors; Classification of Amplifiers; Performance Factors; Series-Fed and Shunt-Fed Class-A Amplifier; Common-Base Class-A Power Amplifier; Class-B Push-Pull Power Amplifier; Graphical Representation; Power and Collector Efficiency; Distortion in Class-B Amplifiers; Class-AB Push-Pull Amplifier; Phase Inverters; Complementary Symmetry; Direct-Coupled Power Amplifiers; Basic Bridge Circuits; Compound Connected Driver; Quasi-Complementary Power Amplifier.
    PART 2 (2008B). Introduction to Feedback Principles; Negative Feedback Effects on Frequency Bandwidth; Nonlinear Distortion; Stabilization of Gain; Input and Output of Resistance; Transistor Amplifier with Current Feedback; Series Feedback Formulas; Emitter Follower; Multistage Feedback; Operational Amplifier; Gain, Input, and Output Resistance of Operational Amplifier; Practical Circuits: Operational-Amplifier Audio Amplifier; Operational Adder Circuit; Feedback Oscillators; Crystal Oscillators; Negative Resistance Oscillators; Tunnel Diode Oscillators; Relaxation Oscillators; Multivibrators; Unijunction Oscillators: Switching; Selected Circuits; Power Supplies; Hi-Fi Preamplifier; FET Voltmeter; Light Flasher Superheterodyne Receiver; SCR Drive for Universal Motor.

    Basic Digital Math

    Course #: VB20XX
    Duration: 1.2 hours
    What Students Learn: Getting the basics down "cold" is the purpose of the program that provides the most basic explanation for the study of digital electronics. Real life examples combined with easy-to-follow explanations make this program the ideal way to begin.
    Components: Introduction to Digital Technology (VB2001); Identifying Number Systems (VB2002); Using Binary Numbers (VB2003); Introduction to Boolean Algebra (VB2004); Basic Laws of Boolean (VB2005);

    Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers

    Course #: VB21XX
    Duration: 1.5 hours
    What Students Learn: Featuring Allen-Bradley "Slick 50" PLCs, this program is the perfect way to introduce new trainees, mechanics and students to the fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers. Beginning with teh basic applications, the student is shown operation and programming basics. Ladder Diagram fundamentals are introduced.
    Components: An Overview (VB2101); Types of Communication (VB2102); Ladder Diagram Programming of a PLC (VB2103); Statement List Programming of a PLC (VB2104);

    Understanding Digital Electronics

    Course #: VB22XX
    Duration: 0.88 hours
    What Students Learn: This updated version, fundamental level program features clear-cut video combined with hands-on examples and easy-to-read diagrams that will enable entry level trainees and first year students to grasp these important concepts. To make viewing and understanding the information in this program most effective, completion of the Basic Electricity (AC) and Analog Devices programs is recommended.
    Components: AND Gates (VB2201); OR Gates / NOT Gates (VB2202); NAND Gates / NOR Gates (VB2203); XOR Gates / XNOR Gates (VB2204);

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