General Office Skills
Course #: 0S1
Duration: 30 hours
What Students Learn: This course introduces the role and functions of a professional secretary and the personal qualities needed for success. You will develop skill in the important areas of developing an effective routine, handling appointments, managing office mail, delivery of electronic mail and you will be introduced to some of the new areas of voice communications.
Course #: 0S2
Duration: 30 hours
What Students Learn: This course is designed to sharpen both your writing and editing skills in order to successfully communicate ideas to others. Major topics include: sentences and parts of speech; developing paragraphs for different purposes; elements of good business correspondence; and the interpersonal side of communications. A reference pack in Spelling and Vocabulary is included to expand your power with words.
Course #: 0S3
Duration: 30 hours
What Students Learn: Prepares you to handle office finances including collecting money from clients to making bank deposits, from writing out receipts to collections procedures, and from paying bills to maintaining expense files for tax purposes. Several supplements are added to help you improve your math skills and read financial statements.
Course #: 0S4
Duration: 30 hours
What Students Learn: You will learn how to develop and use information resources and references around you. You will be able to build and maintain a human resources file, develop a company profile, and explain how and why stylebooks and other reference texts are used. Includes how to obtain information on stocks and bonds, use supply catalogs, use library references, make travel and lodging reservations, schedule rental cars, and set up an itinerary.
Course #: 0S6
Duration: 30 hours
What Students Learn: This course will familiarize you with some different types of business equipment available. Covers machines used for producing documents, from typewriters to word processors to desktop publishing systems; types of reprographic techniques and the features of photocopy machines; and the features of adding and calculating machines and dictation equipment. The Keyboarding/Typewriting materials will help you to develop skill using the proper techniques of touch typing.
Course #: 0S7
Duration: 30 hours
What Students Learn: Most successful secretaries know how to take dictation and transcribe. This course is designed to help you develop these important skills. Additionally, the Speedwriting Shorthand materials are designed to give you a great deal of practice to help you write notes at speeds up to 90 or more words per minute.